Prescription Drugs

The “Perfect Storm”

The opioid crisis created by the pandemic is several fold, at Generation Rx the term “perfect storm” is used to describe how prescription drug abuse is at the root of this opioid crisis.

  1. The prevalence, de-stigmatization, and acceptance of drug use in our every day lives is evident. Over 4 billion prescriptions fill up pharmacies yearly in the United States. The United States is one of two first world countries, that allow television ads on prescription drugs.

  2. Due to medication being widely available, there are low barriers for acquiring opioids. Around 80% percent of opioid use is done by Americans. Even though the United States has below 5% of the world’s populace.

  3. Individuals have been lured into a false sense of safety, with prescription drugs. That somehow since these drugs are prescribed by the recommendation of a doctor that one can not be reliant and dependent, to the point of addiction to these drugs. The chemical make up of individuals brains, may vary the level of addiction one might succumb to while under the influence of these drugs.

The Social Consequences

There are several life altering events that can happen when one decides to abuse prescription pain killers. These substances are liable to get an individual dependent on these drugs to get through everyday life. When this occurs the consequences can be vast.

The social life of an individual is significantly altered while on drugs. Take for example, a friend group might alienate an individual who decides to abuse prescription drugs. These social consequences can continue to include run-ins with law enforcement, altered moods can lead to physical altercations. The culmination of all these things can cause distance from loved ones, and loss of employment and emotional turmoil.

Healthy Ways to Alleviate Stress

This, article in the link below highlights the dangers of falling into the routine of being reliant on drugs and alcohol to get through everyday life. It also details the signs, and warnings that may alert one that falls into pattern of continued abuse. It also lists several ways on how to relax with falling back into substance use.

Drug Free Cherokee, in partnership with the Generation RX program developed by Ohio State University, is reaching out to youth in Cherokee County on the dangers of sharing prescription drugs.

5500 People get Addicted to Prescription Painkillers Every Day.

SAMHSA data shows, that a sizeable number of Americans (6 to 7 Million) , aged 12 and up have misused prescription drugs . Specifically, opioids to relive pain, these may include sedatives, painkillers and stimulants. Almost 5,500 individuals misuse prescription drugs, for the first time, every 24 hours.

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Fentanyl is 50x stronger than heroin and 100x stronger than morphine. It is a synthetic substance, made in a lab.
Fentanyl is very cheap and extremely addictive. Drug dealers are dangerously mixing illicitly manufactured fentanyl w​​ith, and disguising it as, other common drugs like Oxy, Percocet and Xanax to increase profits. It has also been found in party drugs like cocaine and MDMA. This production process is not regulated and does not undergo any kind of quality control. Users have no way of knowing what they are getting in these street drugs, putting them at significant risk of poisoning and overdose – and as little as two milligrams of fentanyl (two grains of sand) can kill a person.

Watch this short video to learn more about Fentanyl