What We Do
Drug Free Cherokee (DFC) is a local community coalition established in 2004 whose mission is developing a drug free Cherokee County through a collaboration of resources for individuals and families.
DFC is composed of local youth serving organizations, business, law enforcement, civic organizations, healthcare, schools, media, faith community, government agencies, substance abuse organizations, parents and youth. These community representatives work together to develop and implement initiatives to prevent drug and alcohol use among the youth of our community.
Over the years the DFC coalition has established the Cherokee Youth Council, which includes local 9th - 12th grade youth. These young leaders develop an annual strategic plan for preventing and reducing alcohol and drug abuse among their peers and act as advisors to the coalition.
Through the help of the Cherokee Youth Council, DFC began the Cherokee Youth Challenge; alcohol sticker shock campaigns alerting adults to the penalties for providing to minors; the prom campaign to discourage adults from providing alcohol to minors during prom season, spring break and graduation celebrations; and the 100% tobacco free campaign to reduce the use of tobacco among students.
Our Mission
To Develop a Drug Free Cherokee through a collaboration of resources for individuals and families affected by substance abuse through awareness, education, prevention, intervention, and recovery.
Our Vision
A united Cherokee County that is healthy, safe and drug free.